Font D’Or water, a premium water

Font d’Or natural mineral water is not considered to be just any water, even though it is within the reach of all budgets. This water is considered a premium product due to its exceptional quality, the guarantee of which lies in its origin. Font d’Or water comes from a spring located in the heart of the Guilleries granite massif, at an altitude of no less than 1,000 metres. This detail, the result of nature’s whim, is what makes Font d’Or water, one of the Vichy Catalán brands available in La Tienda Vichy, offer an unchanging composition, as the entire production comes from a single spring. Font d’Or is an age-old, rich, healthy water that thousands of consumers have the privilege […]

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Spain is a privileged country in many aspects, and one of them is its wine wealth. Since its basic conditions for producing wines are excellent, in Spain you can buy good wines at a good price. That does not mean that high-priced wines are not worth what they cost. It means that enjoying good wines at a good price is perfectly possible.  Although good wines at a good price may not appear on the most exclusive wine lists, this does not prevent them from presenting optimal qualities. Good wines at a good price are the logical consequence of living in a country that produces some of the best wines in the world. Qualities such as excellent aroma, diaphanous colors and balanced […]

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